Blueberry Lavender Sorbet


The summer is finally arriving in Germany and the perfect time to try a sorbet. I had a lot of organic blueberries in my freezer and I think it is a great way to enjoy some healthy fruits. I added lavender sugar to add some extra flavour. Jennifer is the host this week so go and check out her website.

Blueberry Lavender Sorbet

1 lb frozen blueberries

1/2 cup silken tofu

3 tbsp lavender sugar

4 tbsp apple juice


Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend well. Then pour in a container and freeze. Take out of the freezer 30min before you serve. Enjoy!

Blueberry Lavender Sorbet

Ja, der Sommer kommt und damit die Lust auf Eis. Mein Mann ist ohnehin dem Eis verfallen und nicht mehr zu retten. Perfektes Timing, um meine Blaubeeren aus dem Eisfach zu ziehen. Jennifer hat diese Woche das Rezept ausgesucht.

Blaubeeren Lavendel Sorbet

1 lb gefrorene Blaubeeren

1/2 Tasse Tofu

3 El Lavendelzucker

4 El Apeflsaft

Blaubeer Lavendel Sorbet

Alles in den Mixer geben und ordentlich durchmixen. Dabei die Mischung nicht zu fluessig werden lassen. Anschliessend die Masse in einen Container geben und kaltstellen. Vor dem Verzehr eine Weile antauen lassen.


Trotz einer nicht zu bestreitenden Sucht nach Eis, ist mein Mann kein grosser Fan von Blaubeeren. Heisst, es bleibt mehr fuer mich uebrig.


9 Antworten to “Blueberry Lavender Sorbet”

  1. 1 Lena Juli 23, 2012 um 3:04 am

    I made a blueberry sorbet as well, it turned out really well. Love the addition of lavender.

  2. 2 FledglingFoodie Juli 23, 2012 um 5:51 am

    Lavender and blueberries are a great combination. Is lavender sugar something you can buy, or did you make it?

    • 3 prairiesummers Juli 25, 2012 um 10:29 pm

      I make it myself. All you have to do is fill a small jar with sugar i.e 1/2 cup and then add a teaspoon of lavender. Shake it and leave it alone for a couple of days. Voila! Lavender infused sugar. It is dead simple.

  3. 5 vanillalemon Juli 23, 2012 um 9:16 am

    Ah, the lavender does my heart good. And so do the blueberries 🙂

  4. 6 joinmefordinner Juli 23, 2012 um 9:26 pm

    So pretty. What a great combination–perfect because they are both in season right now.

  5. 7 Erin Juli 24, 2012 um 7:23 pm

    Oh wow, love the addition of lavender. Looks sooooooo good!

  6. 8 Erin @ Texanerin Baking Juli 25, 2012 um 1:58 pm

    I love the ingredients in this! Edeka has blueberries for 5.00/kg this week and you know I went there first thing in the morning and bought kilos.

    This is such a beautiful color!

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